How to Write a Novel by Simon Haynes

How to Write a Novel by Simon Haynes

Product description:

Do any of these sound familiar?

You want to write your first novel, but you don’t know how to begin
You’ve started writing several novels, but you never finish them.
You’ve written a novel or two, but you want to increase your output and publish more often.

If you answered yes to any of the above, this book might just be what you’re looking for!

I’m Simon Haynes, and I’ve been writing and publishing novels and short fiction for almost twenty years. This guide contains everything I’ve learned about writing a novel, both as an indie and as a trade-published author.

Maybe you want to write a novel which has been on your mind for years. You don’t care how long it takes, you just want to see it through to the end.

Or maybe you see yourself as a career novelist – there’s a real challenge – and you want to write books quickly and efficiently.

I’ve done both, and I cover both approaches in How to Write a Novel.

My Review

This book explains a useful and interesting way to plan and manage the process of writing a novel.

The various techniques were well explained and easy to follow, as well as being adjustable to varying sizes of novel.

There were some good tips for overcoming Writer’s Block, fear of failing, building tension, and picking up the story at the start of each day’s writing. Whether you write with or without an outline there is information to suit both methods.

Simon also explains how to take advantage of his free yWriter software as more than just a word processor. I have been using yWriter for over four years, but this book has shown me how much more useful it can be.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has a story to tell and wants to have it written down, for whatever reason. Even if it’s never going to be read by anyone other than yourself, this book will make it easier to accomplish.

As an author myself I enjoy supporting other writers by reviewing their work, a good investment of the time I put in to finish the book. If you enjoy reading books, I would encourage you to pay it forward by leaving a few words on the site you bought it from. Just one word is enough, although a negative comment would be more helpful with a little explanation. Try it sometime.

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